Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award

The "Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award" was established for the development,
dissemination and further development of educational skills.
Applications for 2024 are now closed
Every last child must be cherished,
without exception.

What is the Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award?

The "Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award" was established for the development, dissemination and further development of educational skills. The following four awards were created.
Ⅰ. Educational Skills Award
Ⅱ. Cutting-edge Practice Award
Ⅲ. Class Management /
Student Guidance Award
Ⅳ. Mukoyama Yoichi Educational
Practical and Research Award
In addition to the above, a Special Achievement Award is sometimes independently bestowed by the committee.
Mukoyama Yoichi
He was born in Tokyo in 1943. He was the former President of the Japan Society for Educational Skills.
Mr. Mukoyama graduated from Tokyo Gakugei University. He had been a teacher at a public elementary school in Tokyo for many years when he founded a new educational movement called 'Kyoikugizyutu no Hosokuka'. Later he presided over TOSS (Teachers' Organisation of Skill Sharing), which still collects excellent educational skills and methods from all over Japan and aims to make them a shared property for all. TOSS is currently the largest educational organization in all of Japan with 700 circles and 10,000 members. He was a creator of school textbook questions for NHK's 'Quiz Omoshiro Seminar', a part-time lecturer at Chiba University, and a visiting professor at Shanghai Normal University.
As editor-in-chief, he also compiled numerous educational magazines such as "Kyoshitsu Two-Way" and "Mukoyama-gata Sansu Oshiekata Kyoshitsu". "Class Collapse," "Monster Parent," "Golden Three Days," etc. are all his coined words.
He has authored, co-authored, and edited over 3,000 books, including "In Pursuit of Kihaku Saito" (Shoheisha), "New Edition: Laws to Improve Your Classroom Skills"(Gakugei Miraisha)", "Destroy the Structure of Bullying" (Meiji Tosho), and "School Failure" (Fusosha).
Official website
Four Principles of Educational Skills
Mukoyama Yoichi established the following four principles when he founded the "Kyoikugizyutu no Hosokuka" in 1984.

(1) There are many various educational skills. TOSS picks up as many methods as possible. (Principle of diversity)
(2) Nothing is set in stone when it comes to educational skills. They are always subject to review and correction. (Principle of continuity)
(3) Claims are based on records that clearly indicate teaching instructions, materials, questions, points to keep in mind, and results. (Principle of demonstrability)
(4) The teachers themselves choose the methods and materials that are suitable for their classes. (Principle of independence)
The Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award
The "Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award" will set the following four awards based on the submitted papers that have been received.

Ⅰ Educational Skills Award
The best teaching practices and research will be selected from all the submitted papers.

Ⅱ Cutting-edge Practice Award
The best teaching practices and research will be selected from all the submitted papers that work on cutting-edge issues.

Ⅲ Class Management / Student Guidance Award
The best teaching practices and research will be selected from all the submitted papers that work on class management and student guidance where every student is valued without exception.

Ⅳ Mukoyama Yoichi Educational Practical and Research Award
The best teaching practices and research will be selected from all the submitted papers that most deeply research, criticize, verify, plan, and develop the practices, philosophies, and teaching guidelines of Mr. Mukoyama Yoichi.

In addition to the above, a Special Achievement Award is sometimes independently bestowed by the committee.
Qualification Requirements and Application Procedure
Applicants for The Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award MUST either be an individual, group or supporting member of The Japan Society for Educational Skills. Click here for details.
Recommendation Requirements and Application Procedure
Those who can be recommended for the Special Achievement Award may either be an individual, group or supporting member of The Japan Society for Educational Skills. However, those outside of The Japan Society for Educational Skills may still be eligible for an award if someone within the Society nominates them. Click here for details.
Application / Recommendation Period
From the 1st of May, 2024 to the 31st of August, 2024
Awards Ceremony
The winner of each award will be announced and the award ceremony will be held at The Japan Society for Educational Skills. Succussful winners shall be presented with their award along with their prize at the award ceremony. In the case of the Special Achievement Award, the supplementary prize will be presented with the nominee.
The prizes are as follows:

Ⅰ Educational Skills Award: 200,000 yen
Ⅱ Cutting-edge Practice Award: 100,000 yen
Ⅲ Class Management / Student Guidance Award: 100,000 yen
Ⅳ Mukoyama Yoichi Educational Practical and Research Award: 100,000 yen
Special Achievement Award : 100,000 yen

Chairman of the Celection Committee

Akashi Yoichi(Professor Emeritus, Chiba University)
He was born in 1948 in Himeshima Village, Oita Prefecture.
He retired from The Tokyo University of Education with a doctoral degree. His specialty is youth education and play theory. He has been involved in teacher training at Chiba University for 37 years and was the Dean of the Faculty of Education. After retiring in 2013, he became The president of Chiba Keiai Junior College. He also served as a member of the Central Council for Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for eight years, and retired in February 2021.He has written many books, including "Why people who weren't hard-working at school are highly educated, have a high income, and are popular with the opposite sex"(Kodansha α new book), "What Can be Taught? What Can't be Taught?"(Sakurasha), and many others.

Other Members of the Selection Committee

Tani Kazuki(Professor, Tamagawa University Graduate School of Education, Teaching Profession)
Chairman of the Japan Society for Educational Skills.
He completed the master's course at the Hyogo University of Teacher Education. Worked for 22 years as a public elementary school teacher in Hyogo prefecture. While interacting with children as a classroom teacher, he learned excellent educational skills such as "every last child is valued" from Mukoyama Yoichi in his twenties and continues to be active in TOSS. Currently, he is also the president of TOSS and the chairman of the NPO Teachership Project. He focuses on research on teaching methods in each subject, training of teachers' teaching skills, development of teaching materials, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education.He has written many books, including "Tani Kazuki's Class Management and Work Techniques" (Sohjinsha), "Teaching Techniques Used by Professional Teachers Who Change Children" (Gakugei Miraisha), and many others.
Komori Eiji(Representative of Japan Science Education Support Center)
He was born in Saitama prefecture in 1956.
After working at public junior high schools in Saitama prefecture for 28 years, he worked on unique science room management and science classes with the motto "Science is exciting!". In 2008, he established the Japan Science Education Support Center and started a science education consulting business. He is currently the representative of the Mukoyama-Komori Science Study Group, a certified trainer at the Narika Science Academy, a part-time lecturer at Saitama University (science teaching method), and a lecturer at the Sakitamakai nursery school (playing with science). He is engaged in raising children and teachers who like science. In addition to this society, he belongs to the Japan Society for Science Education and the Chemical Society of Japan Education Subcommittee.He has written many books, including "Classes that make children enthusiastic about Science" (Gakugei Miraisha), "Easy Beautiful Moving! Playing up to 10 years old" (Gakugei Miraisha), and many others.
Horita Tatsuya(Professor, Graduate School of Teacher Education, Tokyo Gakugei University)
Currently, he is also a Special inspector of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and a senior fellow of the National Institute for Educational Policy Research. After graduating from Tokyo Gakugei University, he received his Ph.D. in Educational Technology from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He started his career as a teacher at a public elementary school in Tokyo, including the Faculty of Education at the University of Toyama, the Faculty of Informatics at Shizuoka University, the National Institute of Multimedia Education, the Graduate School for Teacher Profession at Tamagawa University, and an advisor of the Ministry of Education (joint appointment). Since he was an elementary school teacher, he has had a strong interest in "easy-to-understand teaching methods," that is, educational techniques and methods, and has taken the path of researching ways to utilize ICT. He has served as a member of the Central Council for Education and chair of national conferences on digital textbooks and the use of educational data. He has written many books, including "Next Generation Information Utilization Ability to Foster in the Cloud" (Shogakukan), and many others.
Mukoyama Yukio(Specially Appointed Professor, Faculty of Education, Keiai University)
Adviser of the National Union Elementary School Chiefs Association.
After working as a public school teacher, he was the director of the Bunkyo Ward Board of Education, the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, the director of the Shinagawa Ward Board of Education, the director of Seiwa Elementary School of Katsushika Ward, the director of Sakamoto Elementary School of Chuo Ward, and the director of Taimei Elementary School. Served as a kindergarten director. He has also served as the president of the National Union Elementary School Directors' Association, president of the Tokyo Public Elementary School Directors' Association, and a professor at the Graduate School of Education, Teikyo University.He has written many books, including "Theory for Heisei School Principals" (Daiichi Kohosha), "Notes on Self-Enlightenment as a New Leader for Veteran Teachers" (Meiji Tosho), and "Theory of Heisei School Creation" (Daiichi Kohosya), "Heisei School Yearbook" (Daiichi Kohosha), "33 Principles for an Aspiring Vice-principal" (Kyoiku Kaihatu Kenkyusyo), and many others.
Photo by Miura Mariko
Anyango(Nyatiti player, Japan-Kenya cultural goodwill ambassador)
Mukoyama Eriko, also known as Anyango.
Fascinated by African music, she trained alone in a village in the hinterland of Kenya and became the world's first female player of Nyatiti (musical instrument), which was only allowed to be played by a limited number of local men. Anyango is a Luo word meaning "a girl born in the morning". She has performed widely in Japan, Africa, Europe, etc., and has also performed at elementary and junior high schools all over Japan as a Japanese Kenyan Cultural Goodwill Ambassador.In 2022, the 9th album "AOKO" was released. She has written many books, including "The Law of Grasping Dreams" (Kadokawa Gakugei Shuppan) and "Song of Nyatiti" (Gakugei Miraisha).
Official website

2023 Award Winners

2022 Award Winners


Mukoyama Yoichi Education Award
Selection Committee
2-4-12 Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku,
Tokyo 142-0064